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Tournament rules Holland Cup:

The games shall be played according to the laws of the game, as established by the "International Football Association Board" (I.F.A.B.) of the FIFA and the regulations of the Royal Dutch Football Association (K.N.V.B.).The aforementioned organising party of the tournament has obtained the necessary permission from the K.N.V.B. to organise this tournament. The organising party of this tournament shall appoint a tournament commission, which is the executive and the responsible body for the entire tournament.

Match officials: 

The games shall be led by referees affiliated with the K.N.V.B. 
In some categories , there shall be appointed neutral assistant referees. For the other categories, each team is obliged to deliver one assistant referee.  We will inform you later


Teams, that have obtained permission of their national football association, are eligible for participation. 
During the tournament, players may not switch teams, unless the organising party has given permission to do so. The referee shall not discuss such issues before, during or after the game. These issues may only be discussed at the secretariat. Whenever the organising party deems it proven that a player has switched teams without the necessary permission, the organising party has the discretion to impose a disciplinary sanction of a 3-0 defeat in the game concerned.


There is no maximum to the number of replacements. Players who have been substituted may return on the pitch when replacing a teammate. There is a limit, however, to the number of eligible players for a team. Each team may have 16 players, of which 5 substitutes. Before the game has started, the team captain or coach must indicate the players that are selected to participate in the game.            

Team leader:

Each team must be accompanied by a team leader, older than 18 years. His name, address and date of birth need to be mentioned on the team sheet. The team leader is responsible for the behaviour of his/her players, both on the sports ground and in other accommodations available to the participants. 

All categories:

Teams from Denmark: 3 players born on/after 1.07 of the year before

In case of U19 Category:

U19: teams from Switzerland, Belgium and Luxemburg: all players born on/after 01-01 of the year before
U19: teams from Italy: 5 players born on/after 01-01. of the year before
U19: teams from USA: all players born on/after 01-08 of the year before
U19 teams from FR: 3 players born on/after 01-01 of the year before

No 1-year breakdown categories (F.e. U19 as well as U18, U17 as well as U16 etc):

Teams from England and Wales: all players born on/after 01-09 of the year before Teams from America: all players born on/after 01-08 of the year before
G17: teams from Denmark and the USA: 3 players born on/after 01.01 of the year before
G15/G13: teams from USA and Poland: all players born on/after 01.08 of the year before
G15/G13: teams from Denmark: 2 players born on/after 01.07 of the year before.

Age checks:

The team leader must, at the check-in to the tournament, provide a team sheet, on which each player is listed with its name, date of birth and shirt number. All player must possess, and be able to show anytime, an official identity document. Each player can play for only one team, unless the organising party decides otherwise, according to article 3 of this regulation. 

Playing time for all categories: 

1 x 25 min. The tournament shall use central time keeping (except for A finals), that serves to switch ends of play. This shall be kept centrally as well. The initial and final signals of the match coordinator are prevalent. Any protests concerning playing time may be declared at the coordinator after the end of the game. Protests may not be made to the referee.

Qualification after group stage.

The order of the group shall be decided by the number of points obtained. With a win, 3 points are gained; with a draw 1 point is gained; with a loss 0 points are gained. May there be two or more teams with an equal number of points, the group order shall be decided by: 

1. Goal difference;
2. Goals scored;
3. Result of game between the two teams concerned;
4. Drawing of lots or, if possible, penalty shootout.

Determining a winner in play-off rounds: in case of a draw, a penalty shootout, according to the rules of the I.F.A.B. of the FIFA, shall determine the winner of this round. In finales, the same procedure applies.  Away colours. May the colours of the teams, according to the referee’s judgment, be too similar, the team mentioned first in the match schedule must wear shirts with colours differing from the opponents’ colours. 

Balls used during tournament:

U09, U10, U11, U12, G13 (320 grams)
U13, U14, G15, U15 (370 grams)
U16, U17, G17, U19, G19 (450 grams)

Rules specific to  the 7x7, 8x8 and 9x9 games:

Number of players categories U09 and U10 play on pitches that are half the size as normal football pitches and each team is allowed to line up 7 players. Categories U12 and G13 also play on pitches that are half the size as normal football pitches and each team is allowed to line up 8 players. 9-a-side teams play on a pitch which is at least 65x45 mtrs.

Back pass: A back pass (played from the foot) may not be picked up with the hands by the goalkeeper. If nevertheless done so, a warning shall be given. If this foul is repeated, an indirect free kick from a distance of 9 metres from the goal line shall be given. A back pass that was not played from the foot (e.g. by the shin, knee, head or body) may be picked up with the goalkeeper’s hands.

Goal kick: If the ball went behind, the ball shall be kicked from a point in the goal area. This goal kick can be taken by the goalkeeper or a field player.

Corner kick: Corner kicks shall be taken from the corner of the field by kicking the ball into the field of play or by dribbling the ball into the field of play.

‘Dribble-ins’: When the ball went out of play over the side lines, play must be resumed by dribbling the ball back into the field of play from the position where the ball crossed the line. The player who dribbles the ball back into play is allowed to score.

Free ball: A free ball (equivalent of a free kick) can be taken through kicking or dribbling.

Fouls / goal scoring opportunities: In case of a foul or offense, a free ball shall be granted to the opposing team. If an obvious goal scoring opportunity is denied, a penalty kick shall be granted. The penalty kick must be kicked from a distance of 9 metres from the goal line.

Offside: The offside rules do not apply.

Distance: With each resumption of play, the opposition’s players should keep at least 5 metres of distance.

Disciplinary measures:

May a player have been sent off (red card) or have been cautioned (yellow card), the referee shall inform the tournament commission immediately after the end of the game. A player that has been sent off or has been cautioned twice shall be excluded from the next match. All issued cautions on the Saturday shall not count for the games on Sunday. Any on Saturday issued exclusion shall remain in place for Sunday. All reports of misbehaviour shall be forwarded by the organising party to the K.N.V.B., which shall forward these to the according national football association. Any protests against issued yellow or red cards shall not be heard.  

During the group stage, all results shall be declared invalid, if:
The team was too late without valid reasons
The team played with an ineligible player
Players of the team misbehave, making the referee decide to abandon the game
During the play-off stage, a team shall automatically lose 0-3, and thus be disqualified, whenever it is guilty of the above described violations.


Protests regarding decisions of the match officials (referees) are not appreciated and shall not be heard. Protests regarding other affairs must be declared at the tournament commission by the team leader. Protests must be written on paper when presented to the commission. The decision taken by the tournament commission shall be binding.
In case a result has been abusively filled in incorrectly, protests can be submitted to the tournament commission until Saturday 20:00 (8.00pm). After this deadline, results shall be binding and no longer subject to amendment

Match calendar:

The tournament commission has the rights, in unforeseen circumstances, to amend the match calendar.


The participating teams are responsible for a sufficient insurance for their players. The organising party and Euro Sportring are not liable for personal injuries and loss or theft of participants’ belongings


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